JCH&L Photo Contest Winners Announced
Winners were announced today for the first-ever Jefferson Community Health & Life photo contest. Winners by category were:
Lifestyle: Malory Watson, children in black and white.
Landscapes: Lance Lawton, Moon Turbine.
Pets/Animals: Bob Bauer, cat with paper.
Birds: Bob Bauer, yellow bird on icy tree.
The bird category was added because of the large number of bird photos entered.
“We were pleased with the success of the photo contest and the many wonderful photos entered. The photos will be used by JCH&L in a variety of ways, including promotion,” said Lana Likens, director of public relations, marketing and development. “We would like to thank all of the photographers who entered.”
Winners in each category will receive a certificate for $25 in Fairbury Chamber Cash.
Full results by category:
Lifestyle: First place, Malory Watson, children in black and white; Second place, Bob Bauer, fisherman at sunset; Third place, Bob Bauer, Boy in Yellow Boat.
Landscapes: First place, Lance Lawton, Moon Turbine; Second place, Lana Grammer, Memorial Day Sun through Trees; Third place, Joyce Phares, Sun through Clouds.
Pets/Animals: First place, Bob Bauer, cat with paper; Second place, Joyce Phares, butterfly on flower; Third place, Bob Bauer, dog in doghouse.
Birds: First place, Bob Bauer, yellow bird on ice; Second place, Dennis Russell, blue bird; Third place, Dennis Russell, Hummingbird.
The judges gave two special awards for Judges Choice: Darcy Brown, Storm Clouds; and Dennis Russell, Black Eyed Susans.

Malory Watson – First place healthy lifestyles

Bob Bauer – Second place, healthy lifestyles

Bob Bauer – Third place, healthy lifestyles

Lance Lawton – First place, landscapes

Lana Grammer — Second place, landscapes

Joyce Phares – Third place, landscapes

Bob Bauer – First place, pets/animals

Joyce Phares – Second place, pets/animals

Bob Bauer – Third place, pets/animals

Bob Bauer – First place, birds

Dennis Russell – Second place, birds

Dennis Russell – Third place, birds

Dennis Russell – Special Award – Judges’ Choice

Darcy Brown – Special Award, Judges’ Choice