iVantage Research Identifies Top Performing Hospitals
FAIRBURY, Neb. — For the seventh time, Jefferson Community Health & Life has been named a top 100 critical access hospital in the Unit

ed States by The Chartis Center for Rural Health.
“We are proud to be recognized again for our daily commitment to providing quality, professional health care to residents of Jefferson County and beyond, while maintaining an efficient facility,” said Burke Kline, DHA, CEO of Jefferson Community Health & Life.
Jefferson Community Health & Life scored in the top 100 of critical access hospitals (CAHs) on the iVantage Strength INDEX™ in 2021, and previously made the Top 100 list in 2014, 2015, 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020. This is the seventh time in eight years JCH&L has made the list of Top 100 Critical Access Hospitals. The annual Top 100 Critical Access Hospitals award is based on the results of the Hospital Strength INDEX ® from iVantage Health Analytics, and is regarded as one of the industry’s most significant designations of performance excellence.
Hospitals recognized as a Top 100 facility scored in the top 100 among all Critical Access Hospitals nationally. Celebrating its 10th anniversary this year, the INDEX leverages 50 rural-relevant indicators across eight pillars of hospital strength (i.e. Inpatient Market Share, Outpatient Market Chare, Cost, Charge, Quality, Outcomes, Patient Perspective and Financial Stability) to determine an overall score for each hospital. Each of the INDEX’s 50 indicators is culled from publicly-available data sources. Hospitals recognized as a Top 100 facility had one of the 100 highest overall scores among all Critical Access Hospitals nationally.
“The Top 100 program continues to illuminate strategies and innovation for delivering higher quality care and better outcomes within rural communities,” said Michael Topchik, National Leader, The Chartis Center for Rural Health. “We are delighted to be able to spotlight the efforts of these facilities through the INDEX framework.”
The list of this year’s Top 100 Critical Access Hospitals, as well as the 2021 INDEX methodology, can be found at www.ivantageindex.com/top-performing-hospitals.
JCH&L is among 15 Nebraska critical access hospitals to make the Top 100 list for 2021. Others are: Boone County Health Center, Albion; Brodstone Memorial Hospital; CHI Health St. Mary’s, Nebraska City; Community Medical Center, Falls City; Fillmore County Hospital, Geneva; Howard County Medical Center, St. Paul; Johnson County Hospital, Tecumseh; Memorial Health Care Systems, Seward; Memorial Hospital, Aurora; Pender Community Hospital, Pender; Phelps Memorial Health Center, Holdrege; St. Francis Memorial Hospital, West Point; Thayer County Health Services, Hebron; and York General Hospital, York.
In May 2020, JCH&L was recognized by the Chartis Center and the National Rural Health Association for being one of the Top 20 Critical Access Hospitals in the nation for quality. In 2018, JCH&L received an overall Top 20 Critical Access Hospital Award.
In November 2020, JCH&L was recognized as a Performance Leader for the fifth consecutive year, this time for patient perspective. In 2017, 2018 and 2019, JCH&L received the Performance Leadership Award for overall excellence in quality, outcomes and patient perspective. In 2016, the award was for finance and patient satisfaction. The Performance Leadership Award is given by the Chartis Center for Rural Health/iVantage Health Analytics and the National Organization of State Office of Rural Health (NOSORH).
“These recognitions reaffirm that our emphasis on quality, performance and satisfaction are making a difference to the people we serve. It is because of the work and care of our staff, physicians and board, and the support of the people of Jefferson County and beyond that we are able to meet and surpass these benchmarks and receive recognition,” Kline said.