New Physicians Want to Serve Rural Area
Dr. Madhav Narayan and Dr. Sean Flor, JCH&L’s new family medicine physicians who started this fall, both came to JCH&L because they want to serve a rural area as family physicians.
“Having doctors and others who advocate for good things help communities,” Dr. Narayan said. “The key to being part of the solution is being physic
ally present.”
Dr. Flor said he loves the variety of family medic ine and felt it was his calling. He said he knew rural areas need more family doctors.
“Family medicine means knowing the whole person and caring about the whole person. It also means knowing h

Dr. Madhav Narayan
ow social interactions and family interactions affect the health of the patient,” Dr. Flor said.
Dr. Narayan grew up in Broomfield, CO. From an early age he knew he “wanted to help people live in a good way.” A rural rotation in Springfield, CO, was a key in deciding on a rural practice. Rural areas may have fewer resources available, and “these a
re things physicians need to be talking about and advocating for.”
He said he feels a responsibility for standing up for those who can’t stand up for themselves. He runs a non-profit organization in India dedicated
to community development and the development of the skills of the people.
He sees the farming belt as being home to kind, hard-working people.
He said he appreciated that in recruitment efforts JCH&L made it clear they want providers to be happy here and to practice medicine the way they believe it should be practiced.
He feels strongly that it’s important to know the whole person.
“People don’t want to be sick. It’s important to know whether there’s something going on that affects their health,” Dr. Narayan said. It’s important to him to be “helping people live the life they want to live.”
“We don’t need to reach the stars today, we just need to do a little better,” Dr. Narayan said.
Dr. Narayan began his work at JCH&L on Sept. 6. He has joined the local Rotary and Kiwanis clubs and is looking forward to being involved in the community. He recently finished his residency at the University of Colorado School of Medicine, Department of Family Medicine, Rural Training Track. He received his MD from the University of Colorado School of Medicine. He has had training in EGD and colonoscopy.
When he has free time he enjoys baseball and is also a Denver Broncos football fan.
Dr. Flor, who is from Omaha, has known since grade school that he had two life dreams: to be a military aviator and, eventually, a doctor.
“Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would check off both boxes,” Dr. Flor said.
He said he became interested in medicine because he loved his pediatrician. But once he got into medical school he realized he loves the variety of family medicine, especially in a rural area, and enjoys caring for the whole person and the person’s family, as well.

Dr. Sean Flor
He also knows that overall health improvement is not an overnight change.
He began his college career in pre-med, but was also playing soccer for Marquette. He found he also loved psychology, so got his Bachelor of Arts in psychology, with some pre-med requirements. He also worked after his college years at Wisconsin Early Autism Project.
When he graduated from college, since he had always wanted to fly he talked to a recruiter about officer training school. He was sworn into the Air Force in November 2003. The Air Force was a good experience, he said, and super rewarding. He was a Weapon Systems Officer(WSO) on B1-B bombers, and had 3 deployments in 4 years to Qatar. He said after 8 years he decided he could still go to medical school and meet another goal. He took pre-med courses at American University in Washington, DC, did volunteer work, and prepared for the MCAT. He worked at the Omaha Veterans Affairs hospital in clinical research in Traumatic Brain Injury.
UNMC was his first choice for medical school, and he was happy to be selected to study there. He also got selected to his first choice for residency, at Lincoln Medical Education Partnership.
He said the new clinic was one factor that made Fairbury stand out when he was being recruited for family medicine positions. He said he likes the resources available here, as well. He said he was impressed with the Burkley Fitness Center, as well. The location is good for him to remain close to his family, and still be in a rural area. He said he felt the community was friendly and welcoming.
“It all felt like a good fit,” he said.
During his education and career opportunities, he has lived in towns of every size. He said he prefers this size of community. He also wants to be involved in the community, and is weighing the many opportunities.
“I can’t wait to be part of the town,” Dr. Flor said. “I’m excited to be here.”
His goal is to “increase the wellness and health of the community.”
Outside of work he enjoys spending time with family and friends; he also enjoys hunting and recreating at his family cabin near Ainsworth, NE,; as well as athletics, running, staying in shape and being active. He is a huge fan of college athletics and really just sports in general.
Dr. Flor recently began practice at JCH&L on Oct. 3., having recently finished his residency with the Lincoln Family Medicine program. He earned his MD from the University of Nebraska Medical Center. He has training in EGD and colonoscopy.
“Our facility is so fortunate to bring in two new physicians who want to be part of our community and help us to increase our community’s health and wellness,” said JCH&L CEO Dr. Burke Kline, DHA, MHA, CHFP, FACHE. “We have an excellent team of providers.”
With the addition of Dr. Narayan and Dr. Flor, JCH&L’s medical providers include five board-certified family medicine physicians, four board-certified nurse practitioners, and 2 certified physician assistants. Our team includes: Dr. Sean Flor, Dr. Madhav Narayan, Dr. Craig Shumard, Dr. Rebecca Stroklund, Dr. Brett Wergin (all board-certified family medicine providers); board certified nurse practitioners Kirisha Afuh, FNP-C; Carolyn Ferguson, FNP-C; Megan Knutson, FNP-C; and Keegan Williams, FNP-C; and two certified physician assistants Bryce Taylor, PA-C; and Kensly Williams PA-C.
JCH&L Fairbury Clinic is accepting new patients.
For appointments at JCH&L Fairbury Clinic, call 402-729-3361, option 1. When visiting the Fairbury Clinic for your appointment, please use the main entrance, accessed from H Street.