Kasey Murphy, PT, DPT, joins staff of Sports Medicine and Rehab Services
Kasey Murphy, PT, DPT, a pediatric physical therapist, has joined the staff of JCH&L Sports Medicine and Rehab Services. Murphy, who is a board certified pediatric clinical specialist, works with children and adolescents of all ages while collaborating with other therapists to treat each patient’s specific needs and diagnosis.
“We have seen the need for pediatric therapy grow substantially over the last four years,” said Amy Martin, MPT, director of JCH&L Sports Medicine and Rehab Services. “We continue to expand our pediatric services to better serve our community and meet those needs. We are excited that when the new addition at JCH&L is completed our pediatric therapy services will have a new larger location.”
As a pediatric physical therapist, Murphy can address all areas of physical therapy with children and adolescents. Murphy collaborates with the Occupational Therapist Lauren Cox and Speech Therapist Amanda Carlson. She also provides therapy services to the schools and birth-three home based early intervention visits within the Fairbury school district through her work at JCH&L.
“Pediatric therapy services are tailored to each child’s specific needs and our goal is to help children reach their highest potential by working on developmental skills while allowing kids to have fun and play. Needs can vary greatly from patient to patient and we work as a team to meet those needs,” Murphy said.
Murphy is a native of the Diller-Odell area. She has been a physical therapist for 9 years. She has worked with all ages, but has focused much of her career on medical-based pediatrics. She is committed to making sure children in the rural setting have the same opportunities for therapy and growth as those in urban areas.
“Sometimes travel for treatment is especially difficult for families who have children with special needs,” Murphy said. “Making it easier for families to access appropriate treatment for their children is one of the reasons I’m so excited to be part of this team and this growing pediatric practice.”
Murphy and her husband, Trevor, have twins Tenlee and Cash, who are 5 ½; and Anni, 5 months. They live in the Diller/Odell area and Trevor works for Norris Public Power.
Outside of work, Murphy enjoys running, interior design and home projects, camping, raising Golden Doodles, and her children’s activities.
For additional information on pediatric occupational therapy, call JCH&L Sports Medicine and Rehab Services at 402-729-6841.