Fairbury Public Schools, Library Winners in Corporate Challenge
Participants Learned Diabetes Risk in JCH&L Challenge
Fairbury Public Schools was the winner in the large business category and the Fairbury Library was the winner in the small business category of the JCH&L Corporate Challenge held in September.
Fairbury Public Schools principals receive Keurig from Chad Jurgens, JCH&L CEO.
Debbie Aden, Fairbury Public Library director, receives Keurig from Chad Jurgens.
All Jefferson County businesses were invited to participate. The businesses with the highest percentage of employees taking a Diabetes Risk Assessment and signing up for My Wellness Dashboard were honored as the winners. Each won a Keurig for their breakroom.
The overall goal was to raise awareness about diabetes risk. The diabetes risk assessment continues to be available for the public at myhealthrisk.org.
“Most of all, anyone who takes the diabetes health risk assessment can learn important information regarding their risk of developing diabetes in the future,” said Lana Likens, JCH&L director of public relations. “We are pleased at the awareness raised among the participating businesses and thank the businesses for their interest in their employees’ health.”
Diabetes is ranked the 7th leading cause of death in the United States, and affects more than 100 million adults, according the Centers for Disease Control. Diabetes is recognized as an area of health risk for Jefferson County in the 2016 Jefferson Community Health Center Health Needs Assessment. (See details of the Community Health Needs Assessment at JCHealthandLife.org.)
For more information on the diabetes risk assessment, please contact Lana Likens at 402-729-6855.