JCH&L Among Top 10 Nebraska Hospitals For Rural Provider Excellence in Quality
Jefferson Community Health & Life received the Rural Provider Excellence in Quality Award during the Nebraska Critical Access Hospitals Conference on Quality held Nov. 15-16 in Kearney.
This is a new recognition that the Rural Health Association plans to give annually at the CAH Quality Conference. The award uses the iVantage measures as well as scores in the Medicare Beneficiary Quality Improvement Project.
A subsidiary of The Chartis Group, iVantage Health Analytics (iVantage) is a leading provider of healthcare analytic and performance management analytic tools. Health system and hospital leadership teams across the country rely on the company’s software and services to deliver customized insights on clinical and financial performance, strategic planning, market assessment and payment optimization. iVantage’s analytics are the basis of continuing thought leadership and insight in the areas of healthcare policy and research.
The Medicare Beneficiary Quality Improvement Project is a quality improvement activity under the Medicare Rural Hospital Flexibility (Flex) grant program of the Health Resources and Services Administration’s Federal Office of Rural Health policy. The goal is to improve the quality of care in Critical Access Hospitals by increasing quality data reporting and driving quality improvement activities based on the data.
The MBQIP measures include ER transfer communication, CMS core measures in ER and immunization rates for patients.

Erin Starr, Chief Quality Officer at Jefferson Community Health and Life, accepts the award from Nancy Jo Hansen, MBQIP coordinator.