JCH&L Occupational Health Program Invites Businesses to Learning Opportunity
JCH&L’s Occupational Health Program is inviting representatives of area businesses to come to a lunch program to learn about the services offered by the program. The lunch will be held at 12 p.m. on Wednesday, March 8. Those interested are asked to call Director Lori Ohlde RN at 402-729-6857 or email Lori.Ohlde@JCHealthandLife.org to make reservations.
JCH&L’s Occupational Health program has expanded, and is located at JCH&L’s North Building, 825 22nd St. Occupational Health works with area employers to help them improve their employees’ health and productivity.
A wide variety of services are available including Physical Capacity Profile testing, drug screenings, vaccinations, screening bloodwork, and health risk assessments. JCH&L recognizes that each business has its own specific needs, so staff will help you come up with the plan that meets your needs. Bundled prices and volume discounts are available.
The program will provide an overview of the program, a tour of the facility, and an opportunity to see a demonstration of the PCP equipment. Business owners, managers and Human Resources staff are encouraged to attend.
For more information contact Lori Ohlde at 402-729-6857.