JCH&L Offers Free Medicare Educational Session March 4
An educational session to help those who are considering Medicare in the next year is being offered by Jefferson Community Health & Life on Tuesday, March 4. The educational session will begin at 5:30 p.m. in the JCH&L Clinic Conference Room and a light supper will be provided. There is no cost to attend.
Medicare can be a complicated topic. Learn about the basics of Medicare and what you need to consider when you are approaching Medicare eligibility or are new to Medicare. The “Welcome to Medicare” program will provide comprehensive information about Medicare including: What does Medicare cost? What does Medicare cover? When should I enroll in Medicare? What rules do I need to know? What is the difference between Medicare and Medicare Advantage? When are the important deadlines?
Presenters will be Deb Sutton, RN, and Lori Ohlde, RN. Both are certified counselors in the Nebraska SHIP program.
To register, please call 402-729-6855. If you have questions about the program, please call 402-587-5226.