JCH&L Supports Local Wrestling Programs
Tri County, Meridian, Fairbury Wrestling Programs Receive Donations Based on Pins
Jefferson Community Health & Life donated a total of $541 to area wrestling programs in March. Donations were made to Tri County, Meridian and Fairbury wrestling programs based on their number of varsity pins their wrestlers achieved during the 2017-2018 season.
Jefferson Community Health & Life will be donated $1 per pin to each of these schools which serve Jefferson County students and have a wrestling program.
For the season, Tri County tallied 260 pins, Fairbury tallied 188 pins, and Meridian tallied 93 pins. JCH&L donated $1 per pin to each school in March.
Congratulations to our area wrestling programs!

JCH&L CEO Chad Jurgens presents a check for $93 to Meridian Wrestling Coach Chris Placek. Top pinners, from left, were Lane Barton, Micah Noel, Damian Cervantes and Wyatt Haverluck.

Jurgens presents a check for $260 to Tri County Wrestling Coach Jerod Spahr and his team.

Fairbury Wrestlers with the most pins for the 2017-2018 season were, from left, Zach Reikofski, Seth Firmanik, Austin Barnts.

Jurgens presents a check for $188 to Fairbury Wrestling Coach Derrick Garfield.