Ohlde, Sutton Now Certified SHIP Counselors
Lori Ohlde, RN, and Deb Sutton, RN, are now certified Nebraska State Health Insurance Assistance Program counselors.
The federal government, through the Administration on Community Living (ACL), funds a SHIP in every state. The Nebraska SHIP is a division of the Nebraska Department of Insurance. SHIP does not sell insurance, nor does it endorse any insurance company, product, or agent.
Nebraska SHIP has a statewide network of certified counselors and partner organizations. Counselors receive extensive training on Medicare and are available to meet for one-on-one counseling, to help with problem solving, provide support during decision making, and assist with identifying potential Medicare fraud, error, or abuse. SHIP counselors will not recommend policies, companies, or insurance agents, but will provide free, confidential, and unbiased assistance.
The Nebraska SHIP offers a toll-free hotline that any person eligible for Medicare, relatives, friends, or providers can call for answers to insurance questions, to report potential fraud or abuse, or to arrange a meeting with a SHIP counselor.

Deb Sutton RN

Lori Ohlde, RN
If you would like to speak to your local Nebraska SHIP office, call the hotline at 1.800.234.7119.
“Jefferson Community Health & Life is pleased to once again be able to offer SHIP counselors on our staff to help our patients and the public,” said Bill Welch, interim CEO at JCH&L.
JCH&L is planning a Medicare Part D and Advantage review event in late October, with details to come on making appointments.